Have your say by joining the Virtual Patient Participation Group
Patient Participation Group?
Creating a virtual group allows you as a community to establish your thoughts about the Grimston Medical Centre. Those who participate in the ‘Virtual Patient Participation Group’ will have the opportunity to be involved in the discussions and actions taken by Grimston Medical Centre to improve and increase the healthcare services offered by the surgery.
Have your opinion heard!
The objectives of the VPPG is to achieve a wider and more inclusive input from the patients through comments and suggestions, and increase the healthcare services provided by Grimston Medical Centre.
Benefits of becoming a member of VPPG
By becoming a member, you will help the practice to provide an accessible and responsive service and you will be amongst the first to hear the news and updates about the improvement in the Medical Centre which you have helped achieve.
To become a member of PPG you can simply download and complete the form and either hand it in to the Medical Centre.
Click here to open the “Patient Participation Enhanced Service Report” (You will need Adobe Reader to open this document)