Planning to travel abroad this summer?
Book your holiday vaccinations in our dedicated travel clinic.
A travel risk assessment form needs to be completed and handed in at least 6 weeks before your holiday. This will ensure that you are provided with the correct vaccinations. These forms can either be downloaded from our website or requested from reception.
Please note that this service is only available to patients currently registered here at Grimston Medical Centre.
You will be provided with a quotation for the cost of the vaccinations and upon payment an appointment with our specialist travel nurse.
A price list for standard travel vaccinations and anti-malaria medication is available on our website. Other vaccinations are priced individually.
Visit for both general and country specific travel advice.
Yellow Fever Vaccinations
Non-urgent advice: Grimston Medical Centre does not currently offer yellow fever vaccinations.
The vaccine and certificate are only available from registered yellow fever vaccination centres.
Please visit to search for Yellow Fever Vaccination Clinics in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.
Yellow fever (YF) is a serious illness caused by the YF virus. YF is usually passed on to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito and occurs in parts of the tropical and sub-tropical regions of Africa and South/Central America.
YF can vary from a flu-like illness that gets better on its own over several days to a severe illness with fever, jaundice (turning yellow), bleeding and organ failure.
There is no specific medicine to treat YF. Most people with the disease will need to be admitted to hospital and treated for their symptoms, some in intensive care.
Many people who get YF will die from the disease.
NaTHNaC Guidance and Information about Yellow Fever
NaTHNaC (National Travel Health Network and Centre – a UK Government organisation) produce travel health guidance for overseas travel. They have produced an information leaflet about YF covering;
- Where YF occurs
- How you can prevent YF
- Information about the YF vaccine
- Who should get the YF vaccine
- Who should NOT get the YF vaccine
- What to do if you can not get a YF vaccine
- Risks associated from and with the YF vaccine
- Further information
Travel Risk Assessment
Non-urgent advice: Please note
Travel Risk Assessment should be completed by traveller
prior to the appointment.